Friday, November 19, 2010

[nidokidos] Mediterranean Omelet


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Mediterranean Omelet


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3 x 15ml spoon/3tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
225g/8oz potatoes, thickly sliced
6 x size 3 free-range eggs
rind of 1 lemon
6 sun dried tomatoes, drained and sliced
50g/2oz olive salad, drained and sliced
2 x 15ml spoon/2tbsp basil, roughly chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper 


1. Heat the oil then fry the onion and garlic slowly

until golden brown.
Add the potatoes, cover and continue to fry

slowly until cooked.

2. Whisk the eggs, then stir in the lemon rind,

 sun dried tomatoes, olives and basil.

 Season to taste.

3. Increase the heat under the potatoes, then when hot,

pour in the egg mixture.
Cook on a high heat for one minute, then reduce the heat

slightly and continue to cook for 5-10 minutes until

the omelette is set.

4. For an extra brown result, finish under

 a hot grill.

5. Serve immediately.

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Amelette Arnold Bennett - The Delicious Miss Dahl

Sophie Dahls day begins at breakfast with her take on an omelette Arnold Bennett
watch how to make it

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