Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[nidokidos] Wish You Ever Felt The Same


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Wish You Ever Felt The Same

There were times , we were together
But my presence , never was for you to bother
For me though , it was a different feeling
It gave my life , a whole new meaning
Wish you could ever imagine what it meant to me
But maybe , I was never made with you to be
As my heart sways away , it takes me too
And it makes me do things , I otherwise would not do
Things which are good , and things which are evil
Things that finally lead to my downfall
Wish I was smart and wish I was wiser
When it came to emotions , which I was a miser
Today I realize you are far away gone
While me,left behind pondering: was this why I was born ?
As the night falls in , I get into a shell of sorrow
Only for these memories to haunt me again tomorrow
                                                   - Prashant Naik

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