Monday, May 28, 2012

[nidokidos] Think Green and Go Green


Think Green and Go Green
The Environmental Protection Society (EPS) at UMT (Lahore Pakistan ) in collaboration with the Office of Participant Affairs (OPA) is actively involved in spreading awareness about greener environment. Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, took a special interest in measures designed to create a greener environment. Rana Iftikhar Ahmad, Director OPA, and a junior team member Muhammad Farid, motivated students to participate in green activities such as tree plantation, wall painting and pot painting.
Over 100 students participated in these activities which were quite helpful in bringing home the importance of green environment in the minds of the students. It is worth mentioning that Aroma Qamer, Irum Afzal and Sumraiz Bukhary, active students of the EPS Society, won the appreciation of  the Rector UMT on account of their efforts to create environmental awareness. Dr Hasan  also took part in tree plantation activity.

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