Monday, August 15, 2011

[nidokidos] Letting Go of Your Clutter - Guilt Free


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Letting Go of Your Clutter - Guilt Free


Are you hanging on to piles and piles of stuff for no better reason than guilt? There are good reasons to hang on to stuff, but guilt is definitely not one of them! Join us as we work to let go of our guilt along with our clutter!

1. Don't Throw It Away

Many times we are unable to let go of clutter because we feel guilty about throwing things away. Letting go doesn't necessarily mean throwing away. Here are 2 possible options: Have a yard sale, or donate to a charity, or even do both at the same time.

With a yard sale you have the opportunity to at least recoup a bit of your outlay. You will never recover full value, but some is better than none.

If you donate to a charity, someone else can benefit from your generosity, plus you are able to take a tax deduction for charitable donations.

If you elect to have a yard sale, schedule a truck from a charity to pick up what doesn't sell.

2. But I Spent Money On It!

Are you held back by guilt because you spent money on something--even if you are getting no value from it? In this case, you are feeling needless guilt. Once the money is spent, it's gone. Unless you are able to return the item for full value-- doubtful at best--the money is gone. The best thing you can do is to let go of the needless guilt along with the unneeded clutter.

3. Helping Others

When you are at the point of letting go of the clutter, try donating items to the following types of organizations: women's shelters, homeless shelters, children's groups at churches, preschools and day cares-- even church youth groups, women's ministries and nursing homes.

Items like toiletries, clothing and bedding would be greatly appreciated at shelters. Items like craft supplies would be appreciated by preschools, day cares, nursing homes and church groups. Knowing you are helping others can alleviate a lot of unnecessary guilt.

4. Mpre Time for Fun

Wishing you had more time to do fun things with the family? One of the things we often fail to take into account is the amount of time our clutter claims. The more stuff we have, the more we have to maintain , clean, take care of, etc. When you get rid of the clutter, you have more free time to enjoy with your family and friends.

5. But it was a gift!

Whatever the gift is--it very likely was given to you without strings. Once given, the recipient gets to decide whether or not to keep it. If it is something you truly don't love and won't use, re-gift it (just be careful not to re-gift it to the original gifter), donate it, sell it, give it away, or toss it. You could also exchange it for something you do love and will use.

6. It Has Sentimental Value!

Are you hanging on to Great Aunt Agnes' item just because it was hers? Donating the item does not eliminate the memories you have of the person who gave it to you. Take a picture of the item . You will always have your memories regardless of whether you have the item, and looking at a picture will evoke the memories just as well as looking at the item itself, without the clutter.

7. Simplicity and Serenity

You Deserve Them! When our lives are cluttered and chaotic, serenity often escapes us. But each of us should be living simplified and serene lives. By removing the clutter from your home and your schedule, you are much more likely to reach simplicity and serenity. If we are honest with ourselves, when we have schedules and homes that are packed to the max with stuff, all we feel is frenzied and confused, not serene.

Begin to remove the extraneous stuff and take steps that get you closer to simplified and serene.

8. One Person's Trash

You've heard that one person's trash is another person's treasure. It really is true. When you donate items to thrift stores like Goodwill you are helping in more ways than one. The people who can't afford to buy new are able to afford your gently used items and consider it great when they find nice things in their price ranges. It also benefits disabled workers who are employed by organizations like Goodwill. A wonderful use for our stuff!

9. Less Housework!

How much time does cleaning take you? When you have lots of stuff around, it takes lots longer to clean and dust. Now I don't know about you , but anything that reduces housework is a good thing in my mind!

So start donating that extra stuff and you'll find it much quicker and easier to clean your house--leaving you free to do much more fun stuff!

10. Drop in Guests

10. Drop in guests are not a worry! Do you hate to have drop in guests because there is so much stuff you don't want anyone to see it? When you reduce the clutter, you not only aren't worried about clutter, you welcome guests, planned or drop-in! You may even find that you want to entertain more!

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