Monday, January 16, 2012

[nidokidos] Save our Trees


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Save our Trees

Due to shortage of gas fuel in Pakistan mostly industries are using WOOD as fuel in boilers etc. we are requesting you to avoid the deforestation.

Alarming rate of Deforestation

Pakistan has only 2.5 percent of forest cover with an alarming rate of deforestation. The annual rate of deforestation in Pakistan is -2.1 percent, no Asian country has a forest degradation rate higher than this.

Extreme Weathers

Forests are important in the fight against greenhouse gasses which are impacting climate change. Less forest also mean less rains which is dangerous for agriculture, except in the raining season in which rain is due to less air pressure in the atmosphere forest also the remedies of flood. They absorb water and ensure that it is filtered, sustained, and gradually available for consumption. Their degradation does not only impact forest cover ratio of a country, it also leads to real life problems such as soil erosion, damaged watershed areas, leading to pollution in water bodies and endangering water availability in the long term.

Urgent need of protection

The unchecked cutting of trees has resulted in rapid deforestation. With one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world, Pakistan's forests are in urgent need of protection and conservation. The major threat to Pakistan’s forests is uncontrolled and unsustainable cutting for burning fuel in the industries and living purposes and timber products. There is dire need to find out alternate and sustainable fuel, livelihood methods to ease pressures on this precious natural resource.

 we need  more oxygen to survive

Trees are the major sources of oxygen Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The evidence is overwhelming. Oxygen plays a powerful, primary role in our health and well-being. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce. Understanding this is more important today than ever before, because of a general deficiency of oxygen intake. Simply put, the best way to optimize health is to be sure that we oxygenate every cell in our body.



Zafar Iqbal

Sapphire Weaving Unit 6




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Pakistan tops Asia in deforestation

The United Nations climate talks that end in South Africa on Friday aim to reduce the world's carbon emissions.

watch the report



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