Thursday, April 23, 2009

[nidokidos] Excellent screen capture

Gadwin PrintScreen 4.4
click here to go to download page
Operating Systems:
Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows Server 2008, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98
Additional Requirements:
No additional requirements
No limitations.
Publisher's description of Gadwin PrintScreen
Gadwin PrintScreen allows much more flexibility with that Print Screen button at the top of your keyboard. Usually when you hit the Print Screen button it loads the current screen into your clipboard. To save the image you have to open up an image-editing application, paste it, then save the file. Gadwin's free PrintScreen streamlines this whole process. It sits in your System Tray, and you can set a number of options. When you hit print screen (or whichever button you specify), you can choose to save the screen directly to a specific folder. You can also choose to save just a window, or a specific area of the screen. The application also gives you the option of sending the screen capture directly to your printer or as an email, and it will even automatically resize the picture to specified dimensions. You can select the type of image you want to save.
Excellent screen capture apps aren't hard to come by, but excellent free ones are. With sophisticated features at no cost, it's hard to reach higher than Gadwin PrintScreen. An attractive, easily navigated interface opens up a customization wonderland for users to decide default settings for shortcut key associations, capture preferences, and output.
For our purposes, the clicking and dragging regions is the clear choice. Misjudge your region's dimensions and Gadwin PrintScreen lets you readjust them without having to start over, something many commercial competitors don't do. Setting the app to automatically open each screen capture in your favorite viewer or editor makes up for the program's lack of built-in image editor, still achieving a seamless screen capture experience from start to finish that grabs and delivers shots just where you want them.

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