The film revolves around three roommates, journalist Tashi, photographer Nitin Beri and Arup (Vir Das) leading an unkempt and debt-ridden life in a shoddy apartment.
Tashi's ditsy fiancee Sonia (Shenaz Treasurywala) is an air hostess who agrees to deliver a package for Vladimir Dragunsky (Kim Bodnia) to Somayajulu (Vijay Raaz),
without realizing its contents or that Somayajulu is a gangster. Sonia asks Tashi to deliver the package. Tashi, in turn, asks Nitin to do so.
But Nitin is unable to do so as he is experiencing 'Delhi Belly'. Nitin hands Sonia's package to Arup for delivery to Somayajulu, along with a package containing
his stool sample for delivery to Nitin's doctor. Arup mixes up the two packages which makes Somayajulu furious and he starts the investigation by interrogating
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