Friday, January 13, 2012

[nidokidos] Beat Bad Breath naturally!


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Beat Bad Breath naturally!


Breathing nauseating odor from mouth makes isolate you from the goodies of societies. It is a state when you are not wanted to utter even a single word or breathe publicly.

Bad breath is a result of many a factor such as dentures, cavities, throat infection, alcohol, smoking, lung infection, anything from food to poor oral hygiene.

Thanks to some the natural home remedies that prove immensely helpful in getting rid of bad breathe.

Following are some helpful tips to overcome bad breath.

1. The first and foremost thing to be bear in mind is dont forget to brush your teeth after every meal.

2. Sweeten your breath by chewing up a few cardamom seeds. The aromatic flavor in cardamom freshens up your breath.

3. Often drink one glass of lemon juice with little salt and sugar.

4. Chew up some leaves of Parsley for fresh breath.

5. Tea made from Fenugreek (methi) seeds also helps relieve of bad odor and bad breath.

6. Before going to bed, rinse your mouth with a glass of water added with half a lemon juice.

7. It is a must to have water all through the day.

As a final note, unless you keep your mouth, teeth and tongue clean, the problem of bad breathing will never arise. Do mind to use proper tooth brush with correct brushing method to take full care of your teeth. In addition, follow the good oral hygiene rules.


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How To Tell If You Have Bad Breath

Many people suffer from halitophobia: an irrational fear of having bad breath.

 Here's a handy way to lay your fears to rest�or confirming it once and for all.

bad breath


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