Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[nidokidos] My Favorite Double-Duty Exercising Tips


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My Favorite Double-Duty Exercising Tips


I went to the park with my grand daughter,Dikshi, yesterday. Instead of just sitting on a park bench, I took the opportunity to chase her around, which ended up in fits of giggles.

By the time we came home, I felt great. First, because Dikshi and I had such a great time together. Second, because we got in so much exercise, that I didn't have to take another hour to formally work out later.

Lots of people put exercise aside because they feel like they don't have time for it. But as anyone knows, exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle

Here are some � tips to be sure you're getting double-duty out of your exercise routine.

1.Don't just sit there. There are so many opportunities to keep moving. When you take your kids to the park, chase them around, do some push ups, strengthen your arms on the monkey bars--whatever you do, don't just sit on a park bench if you haven't gotten in any exercise yet that day.

2. Catch up with a friend. Rather than catching up with a friend over lunch or dinner, go on an exercise date instead. � Your friendship will blossom and you'll both be staying fit and healthy.

3. TV time can also be exercise time. Most everyone likes some relaxing time in front of the television. But just sitting there on the sofa isn't doing your body any good. While watching your favorite flick, do some leg lifts, pump some light weights or simply use the opportunity to do some good ole' stretching exercises.

4. Don't park too close. Rather than parking right near where you work or shop, if you're in a safe area, park a number of blocks away. Then, get out of the car and walk. It's the perfect de-stresser before work and allows you to take in some fresh air on the way to work or a store. If possible, you might even opt to bike or skate to your destination!

5. Skip the escalator. Whenever you have the opportunity to do so, take the stairs instead of the escalator. While escalators are a great modern convenience in many cases, stairs are a wonderful exercising tool!

6. Make your lunchbreak productive. Use that 30 minutes or hour you get for lunch each day to go for a walk

7. Clean and groove. Put on some rockin' tunes and deep clean your home. Scrubbin, mopping, vacuuming, dusting and the like, can all burn lots of calories.

8. Stretch it out in the office. If you work in an office all day, that doesn't mean you can't fit in some exercise. Get up and stretch often.
9. Don't stop when you shop. That is, before you begin shopping at larger department stores, supermarkets, ware houses, malls, etc., walk at a brisk pace aisle to aisle a number of times around the store. You'll be able to scope out what you need, and keep your body moving at the same time.


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Work Out With Baby!

Your baby can make a great workout partner! If you're a new mom, fitting in exercise can be a hassle,

Watch these double-duty exercises, you can work out with your baby.!

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