Sunday, August 15, 2010

[nidokidos] While I Wasn't Looking


While I Wasn't Looking

Today I sit here wondering
How I got so very old,
Time surely passes fast,
So why wasn't I told?


There were so many things
I always wanted to do,
Plus the many places
I planned to visit too.


There are those new people,
Who moved in up the street,
They've lived here for years now,
But we have yet to meet.


It seemed I had plenty of time,
I could always do it tomorrow,
Now the time has almost run out,
And I have this deep feeling of sorrow.


I'll have to reschedule my life,
Try to do as much as I can,
I'll go and see, meet and greet,
As my life's embers I fan.


For my remaining time is mine to use,
To enjoy and relish as I desire,
Giving me days of pleasure,
As to my dreams I aspire.


I plan to seek new friends
And visit lots of new places,
I'll enjoy revisiting my past,
And seeing old familiar faces.


I'll use to it's fullest
The time God lets me keep,
Over the time I wasted,
I will not lose sleep.


Ahead is the way I must look,
Not wasting time over the past,
For I cannot add a single second,
To the moment that is my last.

~Pamela Gayle Smith~




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