Monday, August 2, 2010

[nidokidos] ==[] Easy Way to Write [IND] Rupee Symbol in MS OFFICE []==


It has made the first font with support for Indian currency symbol.


How to use ?


  • Just Download the file from the site and save it on C:\WINDOWS\Fonts folder. The file name is Rupee_Foradian.ttf.


  • After the copying the file  open a Word document.


  • Choose the Rupee Fordian font from the drop down menu of fonts.




Type the first character on the keyboard which is on the left side of numera



As mentioned earlier since the symbol has not been implemented in UNICODE yet, you will need to use the font to get it working in applications and special tricks like this or this to make it appear in html webpages. If your work require frequent use of Rupee symbol you can also use the Rupee Foradian Font and make use of ASCII code ALT + Numpad 96 to insert it.

IIT graduate gives Indian Rupee its symbol

The Indian rupee will soon have a unique symbol -- a blend of the Devanagri 'Ra' and Roman 'R

watch the report

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