Friday, May 21, 2010

[nidokidos] Parental Control


ParentalControl Bar
Click here to go to download page
License model
Not available
Operating systems
Windows 7, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows NT, Windows XP
Additional requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Publisher's description
Parental control filters have a reputation for charging a lot and giving back very little in return. Sometimes, they literally don't give enough back, and have been known to block completely clean sites.
ParentalControl Bar isn't perfect--like its cousins, it blocks some sites that shouldn't be obstructed, and occasionally allows sites that should be blocked. However, the price is right--it costs nothing. Not only does it not extort parents for its services, it allows parents to approve sites both on the fly and via a "Blocked history" list.
The app is small, just over 1MB. The toolbar interface allows parents one-click switching from Parent to Child mode by clicking a button, which changes from red to green. To switch back--or to use any of its nonblocking functions or view a blocked site--a password is required.
Despite claims to the contrary, the program doesn't support Firefox 2, although it does work fine on Internet Explorer 7. For parents looking for a cost-effective tool to help give their children a bit of controlled freedom on the Internet, ParentalControl Bar is a safe way to go.

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