Sunday, May 2, 2010

[nidokidos] Desktoptopia


click here to go to download page 
License model
Not available
Operating systems
Windows 98, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Additional requirements
Windows 98/XP/Vista
Publisher's description
This desktop customization tool places a virtual art gallery at your fingertips. You could spend hours going through the Desktoptopia's amazing graphics and photos.Activating Desktoptopia is simply a matter of clicking on the desktop icon. Doing so introduces a taskbar icon for managing the wallpaper gallery. A right-click displays your menu options, including the preferences. There, you can manage the wallpaper rotations, including how often you want to change the wallpaper design. You can also manage your wallpaper feed categories. Forward and backward commands let you navigate the hundreds of designs. All of the designs looked extremely professional; some even award-worthy. The artist's name and, if available, homepage is displayed. If you like a particular wallpaper design, pausing or exiting the program will permanently set the design.A newer version of the program is available from the publisher, but we found nothing with the current version that needs to be changed. We were impressed by Desktoptopia's wallpaper design offerings. If you're tired of your current wallpaper, this free tool gives you seemingly endless possibilities.With Desktoptopia the user can click to Pause they can also go back, or to the next desktop right from the menubar. Users can rate desktops anytime from the menubar. Users can also subscribe to categories like Photography, Illustration, Typography, Architecture, Graphic Design, 3D, and Abstract; or can mix it up with a little from all the categories. Desktoptopia has multiple monitor support. A user can duplicate the desktop on both monitors, only show desktops on one (whichever one you want), or show different desktops on each monitor.

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