Monday, April 19, 2010

[nidokidos] AeroSnap 0.61 beta


License model:
Not available
Operating systems:
Windows Vista, Windows XP
Additional requirements:
Net Framework 2.0
Publisher's description
AeroSnap is a program what is based on the new Windows 7 window management feature 'Aero Snap'. Every open window is identified by AeroSnap. The snapping function will only release, if you drag a window on its titlebar. Many windows are dragable from the side borders, but this is not recognized by AeroSnap. So if you want to snap a window, drag it from the titlebar. You can snap your windows on the left or right side, or maximize it with snapping on the top. Every side has a 10px wide snapping zone. Trying to snap a window on the bottom will have no effect. The Sidebar in Windows Vista is identified as the right border the screen, if always on top. You can also snap more than one window at the same side. Simply drag the window height to show all windows. Simple drag a window to a side of your desktop to snap it or drag it to the top to maximize.

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