Thursday, December 4, 2008

[nidokidos] Street Fighter - The Classical arcade (Game)


Street Fighter 2 (Game)
click here to go to download page
License model :
Limitations :
Not available
Operating systems :
Windows 2003, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98
Additional requirements :
Not available.
Publisher's description
Street Fighter is an action game, which offers two playable characters for one match. When you're ready for the ultimate retro gaming experience, unlock the full version of the game and choose from all eight original characters as well as four boss characters, each with their own special endings and home levels. The best fighting game of all time--rediscover the final combat between Ruy and Sagat, but you will see, Sagat are stronger than what you think.

Farah Khan

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